Web3 projects are using airdrops to generate hype and build community

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  • published 2023.12.20 updated 2023.12.20
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If you’re active in the Web3 space, you’ve probably noticed that we’re in a significant airdrop meta right now.
In the early days of crypto, projects utilized airdrops mainly as distribution mechanisms— ways to get tokens into more hands by gifting them to community members. But as the Web3 landscape has matured, developers have realized airdrops’ potential as multifaceted marketing vehicles.

Modern airdrop campaigns focus on driving participation through cleverly designed tasks and challenges. Completing activities related to a project’s ecosystem now plays a key role in determining airdrop eligibility and rewards. These interactions allow projects to incentivize usage across their suite of products while generating valuable data on user behavior.

At the same time, well-executed airdrops make participants feel like they have real skin in the game. By providing token ownership and access to network utilities, projects can transform users into engaged community members with a vested interest in their success.

This evolution of enhanced participation and ownership turns airdrops into potent community growth tools. They attract new users, strengthen existing bonds, and lay the foundation for vibrant, lasting project ecosystems.

Let’s explore the strategic reinvention of airdrops within Web3 marketing, including a few recent notable campaigns, and the tactics project creators are employing to maximize engagement.

Crafting Airdrops for Max Impact

Savvy projects reach users on the social platforms where communities already congregate. One effective tactic is “Twitter farming”— rewarding users for sharing project tweets, participating in hashtag campaigns, and integrating branded content into their posts.

This facilitates brands tapping into Twitter’s vast reach while incentivizing their supporters to amplify their messaging organically. The most successful projects make community members active marketing partners through social perks and privileges.

Keeping users hooked after the initial airdrop is critical for sustaining communities over the long haul. To combat “airdrop and leave” participants, projects implement interactive programs like roadmap polls, limited-supply contests, governance committees requiring high token stakes, and meme competitions.

Gamifying participation nurtures users’ creative expression while supplying continual reasons to remain active within ecosystems. Users engaged across multiple levels also provide invaluable market research data to help the project teams optimize development.

Examples of recent successful airdrop campaigns

ZkSync: Engaging the Ecosystem

ZkSync, a Layer 2 scaling solution for Ethereum, has strategically utilized airdrops to foster deep engagement within its ecosystem. The airdrop strategy here revolves around encouraging users to interact with various components of the ZkSync platform, including native DEXs and bridges.

This approach is not just about distributing tokens but also incentivizing users to explore and utilize the full range of services offered by ZkSync. Such engagement is anticipated to play a significant role in determining eligibility for the airdrop, thereby driving network activity and community participation.

Pyro: Fusing NFTs and token rewards

Pyro’s airdrop strategy creatively intertwines with NFT rewards to drive interest and incentivize ecosystem participation. Owning select Pyro NFTs serves as a prerequisite for airdrop eligibility.

The quantity and rarity of Pyro NFTs owned by participants determines the size of their token airdrop. This multi-tiered design fuels demand for Pyro’s NFT marketplace while encouraging broader platform engagement beyond just claiming free tokens.

Recipients are motivated to actively explore and transact in the Pyro NFT environment to gain access to the most lucrative airdrop rewards.

By combining two of Web3’s most compelling primitives, scarce digital artworks and liquid crypto assets, Pyro’s campaign gamifies participation while providing both short and long-term incentives that deepen users’ attachment.

BLAST by Blur: Kickstarting a new layer 2

BLAST is driving hype and assets to its new layer 2, Blur, by rewarding early adopters. BLAST creates a comprehensive engagement ecosystem by offering Blast Points for activities like bridging assets to the platform, participating in protocols, and inviting friends.

The more active a user is in terms of asset volume and community involvement, the more points they earn, which can later be redeemed for various benefits. This strategy incentivizes early participation and fosters a sense of community through shared goals and rewards.

This approach aims to spark liquidity inflows and usage to bootstrap the nascent blockchain. It’s working – BLAST recently entered the top 15 layer 2 chains by TVL before even going live.

Portal: Community Farming via Social Media

Portal’s December 14th airdrop has stirred anticipation for how its native token could unify fragmented blockchain gaming networks. The campaign drives momentum by rewarding users for promoting Portal across social channels while conferring ownership.

Several steps register participants for the token farming program— verifying wallets and Twitter accounts, completing portal interactions, and sharing project content to earn points.

This approach transforms users from passive participants to active promoters, creating a ripple effect of visibility and engagement across the network.

By tying rewards to content virality and engagement levels, Portal effectively leverages the power of social media to amplify its reach and build a dedicated community.

Pyro NFTs
BLAST by Blur

Exclusible: The Ideal Partner for Web3 Marketing

At Exclusible, our team members have been active leaders in this ecosystem for years - backing early category leaders, rolling up our sleeves as founding members of prominent communities, and deploying experimental technologies to push boundaries.

We inherently understand the cultural context that drives this landscape because we directly participate in shaping it. We grasped community incentives, collaborative norms, and the importance of deeply resonating narratives long before most strategists even knew what a DAO was.

Our track record shows this discernment bears fruit, with 17 sold-out NFT projects under our belt. We’ve facilitated campaigns that collected passionate communities rather than transient followers by focusing on shared values and authentic positioning.

We bring imaginative, incentivization-focused distribution models to ambitious partners hungry for aligned execution that converts hype into sustainable momentum.

We always remember that at its core, Web3 remains driven by builders turning big visions into tangible change. As strategists and marketers, we help our partners realize their world-changing ambitions by embedding our hands-on wisdom into campaigns that build sticky communities united behind bold aspirations.

Let’s talk about your next project! – https://www.exclusible.com/contact/

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Beyond the drop

Innovative projects are transforming airdrops into pillars of community activation that also provide invaluable user data.

Reward system creativity, social channel integration, and post-drop engagement initiatives demonstrate how modern airdrops cultivate loyal user networks that fuel growth. And with companies like Exclusible, even projects with limited marketing resources can build buzzing ecosystems.

As Web3 continues to evolve and grow, competition for user mindshare will intensify. But those who crack the code on community building and user engagement could gain an edge over less creative rivals. Expect ongoing airdrop innovation as projects test participation incentives’ boundaries, NFTs’ integrations, and post-drop user journeys.

The humble airdrop’s journey from basic giveaway to sophisticated growth engine has only just begun. Those who harness its powers wisely stand to reap the benefits of vibrant, organic user growth for years to come.

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